Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mission 01 - Rescue The Lost!

We had our first official mission on Thursday the 11th.
I have to say, I'm impressed by me play group thus far... They think pretty well on their toes, don't spend an hour debatin a single course of action (something that plagues some online RPGs (obviously the 'pen and paper' types, not RPG as the game genre a-la WoW, Diablo I/II/III, and many others.)
While we had to have it in two separate days because of a mishap (See RE: RL) I was very satisfied with the session and the whole experience, as were me players.
Some of the highlights were three members climbin a mini-mountain to see the landscape around them (it was pretty much all desert), each getting a chance to roll 4 times to look around (to the North, South, East and West) an they were able to get all directions between the three of them, they just all botched at least one direction and scored another one. Now that is teamwork hehe.
They also had a good idea in trying to distract an enemy/boss while they Evac the team they were sent to rescue. Unfortunatly I already had a second enemy/boss at the Gate point where they needed to get to. Doing this did get them out of a pincer attack however! (Pincer Attack is when enemies are on both sides of ye, very difficult)

In the end they were able to beat the two enemy/bosses and rescue the team, safe an sound!

Instead of posting up a log like I did with T-01, as that was Long (with a capital L even) here is a link to the log on the wiki-site.

Till next time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Sometimes a game just doesn't go as planned.
Jono's GM Rules #3.

Last week on the 4th, I was having the first 'official' session/mission of Demon-World. And only one player shows up. *insert sigh #5, the 'This can't be a good sign' sigh*
I'm able to get two other players to hop in who happen to be online at the time and we get started (only one of who had signed up, but hey we're still able to do a mission right?)
About 5 minutes into it one of my players let us know that they are basically dead on the keyboard right now and super tired. It's cool, two person session I've done before. I just need to tweet the bosses to make sure they don't run over the two folks still in it.
About halfway through the session the other player that wasn't signed up for this session tells us that a buddy was in a wreck and they need to run to the hospital because the buddy listed them as the person to call if something bad happens.

As rule #3 states above, "Sometimes a game just doesn't go as planned."

We scrapped the first session for the moment and rescheduled it to next Thursday (A week after it was supposed to be), giving priority to the two that were able to make it through half the session as that way I can just continue from where we left off and not start all over with my players knowing what is going to happen for half the session heh.
Biggest thing a GM needs to learn is not to get mad or upset when these things happen. Real Life should always take precedence over the game.